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Chasing the Moon 1991

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Third World Newsreel, 545 Eighth Avenue, Suite 550, New York, NY 10018; 212-947-9277
Produced by Dawn Suggs
Directed by Dawn Suggs
Streaming, 4 mins

College - General Adult
Discrimination; Gay & Lesbian

Date Entered: 06/26/2020

Reviewed by Andrew Koval, MSLS

In this brief retrospective Suggs’ Chasing the Moon relays the experience of a female member of the LGBTQ community who was assaulted on a city street. PTSD is the condition insinuated for the victim. Though the violent act is intimated, the attack is not shown on screen. This requires audiences to use their imagination. Urban in tone with reflective nighttime street, subway, and apartment scenes. These sequences are seamless. And crescendo with the protagonist distinctively coping. Meaningful.

The score by Claude Jones transmits a dower noir mood. Suggs invokes a classic cinematic countdown along with cigarette burns on the introductory footage, establishing that this is an art piece with a serious message. Chalk board credits contributes to the cinematic grittiness.

Chasing the Moon portrays an alarming reality about violence in society against members of the LGBTQ community. Advocates for social justice will appreciate the message. Best suited for streaming in an academic setting, among advocacy groups or in an art gallery such as The Warhol Museum.