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Muslim in America: Trump's Legacy of Fear cover image

Muslim in America: Trump's Legacy of Fear 2020

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Women Make Movies, 115 W. 29th Street, Suite 1200,New York, NY, 10001; 212-925-0606
Produced by Darin Prindle
Directed by Deeyah Khan
Streaming, 68 mins

College - General Adult
Discrimination, Muslims

Date Entered: 11/29/2022

Reviewed by Lara Fountaine, Community Engagement and Visitor Relations Librarian, NC State University Libraries

Muslim in America documents the anti-Islam and anti-Muslim sentiment that grew during and in the year leading up to Donald Trump’s presidency. Through intimate interviews with both Muslims and far-right extremists, this film provides a comprehensive look at the impact of dangerous rhetoric and misinformation.

Deeyah Khan does a fantastic job of illustrating the way false narratives, inflammatory rhetoric, and blatant misinformation have led to the rise in anti-Muslim violence. She uses interviews, along with news clips, and social media posts to showcase the way conspiracy theories have warped people’s views of Islam and Muslims in general. The most shocking example of this is when she interviews a right-wing militia group.

She balances this with interviews from Muslims around the country and highlights the way these violent sentiments have led to real harm. This film is informative and concise with a runtime of only 68 minutes. It is highly recommended for those in college to general adults.

2021 Peabody Award

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