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Breakaway: A Tale of Two Survivors 2000


Distributed by Fanlight Productions, 32 Court St., 21st Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201; 800-876-1710
Produced by Matthew Welsh
Directed by Matthew Welsh
VHS, color, 45 min.

High School - Adult
Health Sciences, Psychology

Date Entered: 11/09/2018

Reviewed by Gerald Notaro, University Librarian, Nelson Poynter Memorial Library, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg

Fresh from the film festival and industrial screening circuits, Breakaway: A Tale of Two Survivors chronicles the unique relationship between two men recovering from brain injuries. Doug's injuries resulted from his own drunk driving. Robert was severely injured while playing hockey. Through narration, interviews, and selected scenes we see Robert's complete physical recovery from a coma and paralysis. He knows he can help Doug, who was left to vegetate in a nursing home. Robert becomes Doug's personal caretaker and they move into a house in the Halifax countryside. Despite Doug's very serious physical limitations, Robert pushes him, believing he could learn to walk, talk, and live independently. The drama in the documentary centers on whether Robert expects too much from Doug, as Doug’s psychologist and family believes, or whether the spirit can move the body beyond limits. An unfortunately heavy-handed film score, and a stagy and preachy tone, ultimately prevent the film from inspiring. At $225, a marginal purchase.