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Woman to Woman: A Video Series for Breast Cancer Patients cover image

Woman to Woman: A Video Series for Breast Cancer Patients 2001


Distributed by Woman to Woman Videos, 1807 Elmwood Avenue, Room 165, Buffalo, New York 14207; 716-873-3689
Produced by Feral Films
Director n/a
VHS, color, 3 tapes, 20 min. each

Health Sciences, Psychology

Date Entered: 11/09/2018

Reviewed by Kay Hogan Smith, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences

In 1998 a group of women gathered to discuss producing a series of ten free videos providing support and information to patients with breast cancer and their families. Since then, four in the series of Woman to Woman videos have been produced, with two more titled Young Women with Breast Cancer and Surgical Choices due out this fall. This review covers three videos in the series, Initial Discovery and Diagnosis of Breast Cancer, Family Support, and Intimacy. Each consists of breast cancer patients of various ages, ethnic groups and lifestyles talking about their experience with the disease and its (mostly) emotional ramifications.

In the latter two videos the patients are joined by their families and friends who provide their own perspectives on life after the diagnosis. While many common themes among the emotional reactions and approaches to recovery emerge, there are some differences, reflecting the individual's personality and situation. (One poignant segment deals with a patient whose husband left her after her diagnosis.)

All the videos include reference to the "knowledge is power" theme, with a number of the patients interviewed encouraging library research on their own into the diagnosis and treatment issues. All the videos end with referrals to organizations and websites for further information, and a "resource guide" is also included with a list of sources for further information as well as a glossary of medical terminology. Each video runs about 20 minutes. The production quality is excellent. Forthcoming titles in the series (besides those mentioned above) include: Radiation; Hormone Treatment; Life After Breast Cancer and; Recurrence/Metastasis. Recommended for all consumer health and patient education libraries as well as local support groups for breast cancer patients.