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Antarctica: Journey to the Ice 2003

Not Recommended

Distributed by Chip Taylor Communications, 2 East View Drive, Derry, NH 03038-4812; 800-876-CHIP (2447)
Produced by Wildside Productions
Directed by Gill Williams
VHS, color, 50 min.

Sr. High - Adult
Geography, History, Travel and Tourism

Date Entered: 11/09/2018

Reviewed by Ronald E. Saskowski Jr., ASRC Aerospace Corp, Atlanta, GA

The documentary, Antarctica: Journey to the Ice, allows the viewer to become a passenger on a Russian icebreakers journey to the Antarctic. The viewer is given a front row seat to the beauty and wonder of the Antarctic.

The film presents the history of previous explorers, a current group of explorers and of the whaling industry that once thrived in the area.

The video quality is superb allowing the viewer to take in all the sights of this wondrous place. The audio quality is clear when capturing the sounds of the animals. While not a weakness of the audio, understanding the narrator and the tour leader is difficult at times due to their accents. The film feels bumpy in its flow and seems to finish leaving the viewer expecting that there should have been more.

Although not recommended, this film is suitable for high school media centers, college and university libraries and public libraries.