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GHB: The Facts 2003


Distributed by Human Relations Media, 41 Kensico Drive, Mt. Kisco, NY 10549; 800-431-2050
Produced by Scott Sniffen, Highlander Productions
Directed by Scott Sniffen
VHS, color, 23 min.

Jr. High - Sr. High
Health Sciences, Adolescence, Education, Substance Abuse

Date Entered: 05/21/2004

Reviewed by Lori Widzinski, Health Sciences Library, University at Buffalo, State University of New York

GHB: The Facts, delves into the world of the GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) user. Widely known as a “club drug,” GHB is becoming more popular among teens because it is easier to get than alcohol, and provides a similar high. It is also known as the “date rape drug” because it is often undetectable when slipped into a drink. GHB was sold over the counter as a body-building supplement for many years, and is now a controlled substance used only for a very small percentage of medical problems.

The video and Teacher’s Resource Guide that make up this program, provide information from health care providers and personal testimonies from GHB abusers about the dangers of this drug. The insidiously addictive quality of GHB hits home with interviews of a parent who lost a son to GHB, and a recovered GHB addict. The program states it is more addictive than heroin, and withdrawal is so intense that suicide seems like the only relief.

For a high school to community college level audience, GHB: The Facts is an in-depth look at one drug. For a concise overview of club drugs, the HRM DVD program Club Drugs: The Real Deal is a better choice. Instructors should note that many of the same video clips are used in the HRM video programs on substance abuse: Club Drugs: The Real Deal, Everything You Need to Know about Substance Abuse in 22 Minutes, and The Truth about Hallucinogens. Recommended.