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Bearing Witness: Jocelyn Morton cover image

Bearing Witness: Jocelyn Morton 2003

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Fanlight Productions, 32 Court St., 21st Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201; 800-876-1710
Produced by Adam Symansky, Pierre Lapointe, National Film Board of Canada
Directed by Dan Curtis
VHS, color, 51 min.

Sr. High - Adult
Death and Dying, Health Sciences

Date Entered: 08/25/2004

Reviewed by Warren Hawkes, Library, New York State Nurses Association

Most videos/films dealing with the issue of death and dying provide some clinical perspective or academic discussion of the topic and its various psychosocial components. This video is strikingly different in that it simply documents moments during the last four months in the life of Jocelyn Morton. Jocelyn, age 44, has had recurring bouts of cancer for more than ten years. Each time the cancer has been successfully treated with years of remission. But with this recurrence, treatment is not successful. The video segments begin in March and within four months Jocelyn has died. We are provided an amazingly personal opportunity to listen and watch someone deal with the issue of recurrence cancer, and to see her interact with family and friends and how they approach the issue of death. Produced with the usual high technical standards of the National Film Board of Canada, the producers have managed to capture the depth of the human spirit without being overly intrusive.