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Winter Ecology cover image

Winter Ecology 2004


Distributed by Chip Taylor Communications, 2 East View Drive, Derry, NH 03038-4812; 800-876-CHIP (2447)
Produced by Tim Aydelotte
Directed by Tim Aydelotte
VHS, color, 30 min.

Sr. High - Adult
Biology, Ecology, Environmental Studies

Date Entered: 04/20/2005

Reviewed by Buzz Haughton, Shields Library, University of California at Davis

Students in a Salt Lake City high school conduct research into winter ecology, learning about how ice and snow have affected geology and animals’ adaptation to a challenging environment, at the Teton Science School. They study the efforts of interested local citizens and scientists to preserve elk in the National Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The introduction of predators (e.g. coyotes, wolves) has resulted in valuable culling of elk herds and reduction of contagious diseases among the elks, which are now increasing in number to the limit of the capacity of this harsh land to sustain them.

Recommended for high school and college AV collections with an emphasis in biology and ecology.