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Keep Not Silent 2004

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Women Make Movies, 462 Broadway, New York, NY 10013; 212-925-0606
Produced by Ilil Alexander
Directed by Ilil Alexander
VHS, color, 52 min.

Sr. High - Adult
Jewish Studies, Gay and Lesbian Studies, Women's Studies

Date Entered: 04/29/2005

Reviewed by Beth Traylor, University of Wisconsin Libraries, Milwaukee

This is a heartfelt examination of lesbian women in the Jewish culture. Filmed in Jerusalem, it focuses on several women, most of who are married, who hide their lesbian relationships and feelings. Jewish tradition dictates that a woman either marries a man and raises a family or lives a single religious life. Most of the interviews are with women who request that their identities remain hidden in order to protect themselves and their children. The fear of discovery keeps many lesbian women silent. Only one woman agrees to be interviewed on camera. She discusses her life and her lover as they prepare for their commitment ceremony. She is shown in conversation with a Rabbi as they discuss Jewish law. He argues that she must fight against her lesbian tendencies, relating it to an alcohol or drug addiction. Another woman who tried that approach discusses how she tries to suppress her feelings in order to be a good mother to her children. Also featured, in a hidden interview, is the husband of one of these women. He discusses his relationship with his wife, his feelings towards her, and his interpretation of Jewish law. Their children’s reactions to her lifestyle are also mentioned.

This documentary alternates between shrouded interviews and Jerusalem street scenes. The overwhelming fear of discovery is evident in the opening credits where a note emphasizes that “individuals appearing in scenes shot in public places were filmed randomly and have no connection to the main characters or their stories.” A brief scene at the end of the program shows a Gay and Lesbian rainbow pride parade and one of the women interviewed donning a rainbow head scarf; all signs of the possibility of change in future.

Keep Not Silent would be a good addition to any public or academic library collection. Highly Recommended.