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The 2004 Path to Publication: Advice from Authors, Editors and Agents cover image

The 2004 Path to Publication: Advice from Authors, Editors and Agents 2004

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Films Media Group, PO Box 2053, Princeton, New Jersey 08543-2053; 800-257-5126
Produced by Tin Cat Media
Directed by Tin Cat Media
DVD, color, 348 mn. (7 disc series)

College - Adult
Writing, Literature

Date Entered: 07/14/2005

Reviewed by Dawn Eckenrode, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Daniel A. Reed Library, State University of New York College at Fredonia

The Community of Writers at Squaw Valley shares its knowledge of the writing and publishing processes in this 7 disc DVD series, which documents the panel discussions, lectures, and readings from the Community’s 35th annual workshop for aspiring prose writers. Conducted by successful, published authors such as Mark Childress (Crazy in Alabama), Janet Fitch (White Oleander), Anne Lamott (Operating Instructions), and Amy Tan (The Joy Luck Club), the sessions contain a balanced mix of practical and philosophical information that will inspire anyone who loves the written word to pick up a pen and follow their passion.

The contents of the program are divided into 7 volumes: Publishing Short Stories; Writing the Novel; What to Write; Elements of Writing; Writing for Different Genres; Agents, Editors and Publishers; and Readings and Conversations. Each of the participating authors speaks candidly, and in many cases humorously, about their personal experiences with the writing process, and teaches the viewer about various technical aspects of the writing craft, including scene setting, landscape, character development and genre writing. Volume 6 of the program is notable for its panel discussions with professional agents, editors, and publishers and provides practical information from a business perspective.

Overall, this is a high quality program put together by knowledgeable and eloquent practitioners of the writing craft and is highly recommended viewing for aspiring writers.