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In My Shoes: The Stories of Youth with LGBT Parents cover image

In My Shoes: The Stories of Youth with LGBT Parents 2005


Distributed by Frameline, 145 Ninth St., Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94103; 415-703-8650
Produced by COLAGE Youth Leadership and Action Program
Directed by Jen Gilomen
VHS, color, 31 min.

Sr. High - Adult
Gay and Lesbian Studies, Parenting, Adolescence, Ethics, Human Rights

Date Entered: 06/13/2006

Reviewed by Nicole Cooke, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ

In My Shoes: The Story of Youth with LGBT Parents is a succinct yet thoughtful documentary that discusses gay marriage and family from the children’s point of view. Controversy and potential legislation about gay marriage do not just involve the life partners themselves, rather it affects and concerns the entire family. The film involves multiple families, some with two fathers and others with two mothers in the home. What is exceptional about the documentary is that it reflects the gamut of the different types of families that exist in all of society, not just in the LGBT community. Shoes features families of numerous ethnic backgrounds, interracial families, families with biological children and families with adopted children.

Shoes is an interesting film and will surely inspire discussion no matter the viewer’s political or religious persuasions, or opinions on these issues. The documentary may not change their minds or opinions about gay marriage or parenting, but it does allow viewers to see the perspectives of others, and to see that at the very least this is a family issue. Viewers will also see how open minded and mature children can be when faced with such situations.

The technical components of this documentary match the high quality of the content; the film’s audio and visual editing are also of good quality. Shoes is really thought provoking and should be shared widely with students and their families. This documentary can be utilized within a variety of different subject areas, including social studies, civics and religion. In My Shoes: The Story of Youth with LGBT Parents is recommended, and is best suited for school libraries and media centers.