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House Calls cover image

House Calls 2004


Distributed by Filmakers Library, 124 East 40th Street, New York, NY 10016; 202-808-4980
Produced by Gerry Flahive/National Film Board of Canada
Directed by Ian McLeod
VHS, color, 55 min.

Sr. High - Adult
Health Sciences

Date Entered: 07/14/2006

Reviewed by Warren Hawkes, Library, New York State Nurses Association

There have been innumerable articles related to our aging populations and the health care services needed to support that population. This production focuses on one physician’s work with a specific type of elderly person – the homebound elderly. These are individuals who have little to no support system and who are too well to receive acute care/institutional services but are also very frail and in need of routine health monitoring to preserve their independence and their lives.

Dr. Mark Nowacznski is the physician whose work doing ‘house calls’ is portrayed. Dr. Nowacznski is also a photographer and through his photographic work documents the lives of his patients in an effort to create more social awareness of the plight of this group of people. The film provides insight into the lives and situations of three individuals: Connie (93), Joe (86) and Ria (90). Each has lead a busy and productive life, but as they have aged their lives have changed with decreased mobility and increased concern over injuring themselves from falls or accidents. Their plight and the related issues are effectively portrayed through their cases. Some details presented are unique to the Canadian health care system, but they do not minimize the significance of the issue presented.