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Design : Applying the Elements 2004


Distributed by Films Media Group, PO Box 2053, Princeton, New Jersey 08543-2053; 800-257-5126
Produced by Shopware; Mark McAuliffe
Directed by Edwina Baden-Powell
DVD, color, 27 min.

Jr. High - Adult
Architecture, Art, Business

Date Entered: 09/08/2006

Reviewed by Janis Tyhurst, Reference Librarian, George Fox University

Design: Applying the Elements provides a quick introduction to the 8 basic elements and 8 principles of design, demonstrating how they are applied in built environments, products, and information and communications. The film is segmented into short sections separated by section headings and ending with a summary section to review the concepts presented. The first section lists the basic elements and design principles with examples used to highlight the meaning and use of the element or principle. The following sections show the application of these elements and principles to built environments, products and information and communications. The built environment section focuses on architecture designs. The products sections looks at food presentation and furniture designs. The information and communications section looks at marketing designs. In each of these areas there are interviews with an expert discussing the importance of applying the design basics and principles to the particular discipline.

The film was made in Australia so the narrator and the interviewees are speaking Australian English, but they speak clearly and are easy to understand. Many of the visual examples are of Australian buildings and locations. Visual and sound clarity are good.

This film covers a lot of material in a short amount of time and seems a little rushed in places. However, it will be useful to introduce and/or review the design elements and principles to beginning design, marketing and engineering classes. There is a 9 page Teacher’s Guide available at the Shopware-usa website that can be downloaded. The video price includes public performance rights.