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Dearly Loved: Dealing with the Death of a Parent cover image

Dearly Loved: Dealing with the Death of a Parent 2005


Distributed by Fanlight Productions, 32 Court St., 21st Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201; 800-876-1710
Produced by Fred Fountain
Directed by Fred Fountain
DVD, color, 13 min.

College - Adult
Death and Dying, Psychology, Health Sciences, Bereavement, Social Work

Date Entered: 09/29/2006

Reviewed by Lori Widzinski, Health Sciences Library, University at Buffalo, State University of New York

This 13 minute DVD consists of 3 adults describing their grieving processes after the death of a parent. The feelings of disbelief, physical manifestations of grief, understanding family connections, and returning to their everyday lives are central themes. The program reinforces that grief is different for everyone; it is a difficult process to endure, as well as a natural process that is often helped being able to talk about it.

There is no narration, just some screen text separating the piece into sections (facing the reality, unhelpful things, and connections). The overall effect is successful in bringing out the open, honest feelings of grief and bereavement. It almost puts the viewer in the therapist’s chair.

This brief film would be a good discussion starter for classes in nursing, medicine, clinical social work, psychology, and other health care fields that work with grieving people. It is recommended for libraries in colleges, universities and health care institutions that support the above mentioned programs.