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Two Dollars Dance 2006

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Third World Newsreel, 545 Eighth Avenue, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10018; 212-947-9277
Produced by Masood Haque and Yolanda Pividal
Directed by Yolanda Pividal
DVD, color, 17 min.

Sr. High - Adult
Latin American Studies, Central American Studies, South American Studies, American Studies, Dance

Date Entered: 12/20/2007

Reviewed by Martha Kelehan, Binghamton University

Two Dollars Dance focuses on Victor and Lizabeth, both immigrants who haven’t seen their families in more than 6 years, and both denizens of a New York dance bar. For $2 a dance, Victor finds companionship, conversation and the chance to briefly leave the stresses of being an undocumented immigrant behind. Lizabeth who both enjoys and is somewhat ashamed of her job dancing with lonely men, hides it from her family back in Peru, preferring to tell them she cleans offices at night.

This poignant short explores the emotional costs of immigration, as both Victor and Lizabeth put the financial success of their families ahead of their own personal happiness.

With decent production values and, of course, plenty of romantic ballads, the film is utterly watchable. Highly recommended for those looking for an unusual glimpse into immigrant life in America.