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Hooked: America on Meth 2007

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Films Media Group, PO Box 2053, Princeton, New Jersey 08543-2053; 800-257-5126
Produced by ABC News Productions
Director n/a
DVD, color, 11 min.

Sr. High - Adult
Adolescence, Crime, Criminal Justice, Rehabilitation, Sociology

Date Entered: 01/22/2008

Reviewed by Nicole Cooke, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ

Hooked on Meth delivers a huge amount of information and a powerful message in a mere 11 minutes. Methamphetamine (meth) addition is like no other kind of addiction: it’s almost immediate, it’s rampant, and it touches all communities and all socioeconomic groups. Hooked on Meth first aired on ABC’s Nightline and details a public service campaign in Montana, conceived and funded by billionaire Thomas Siebel, which strives to deter viewers from trying or experimenting with meth. Described as “disturbing, jarring and radical,” the public service announcements are designed to scare kids straight, making them fully aware of the drug’s effects and negating the perceived “benefits” (i.e., weight loss and increased energy). The ultimate goal is to “unsell” meth. The ads are graphic and shocking, but depict the reality of a meth addict.

Hooked on Meth is of exceptional quality in terms of video, audio and editing components. The only thing that could improve this report would be the inclusion of the full anti-meth public service announcements being described. Otherwise, this powerful piece is highly recommended and is best suited for high school libraries (it could perhaps be used with younger students, with supervision), and compliments curriculum units on health, sociology and criminal justice.