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Edges of Perception 2007

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Fanlight Productions, 32 Court St., 21st Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201; 800-876-1710
Produced by Eric Kutner
Director n/a
DVD, color, 14 min.

Jr. High - Adult
Health Sciences

Date Entered: 05/19/2008

Reviewed by Leigh Mihlrad, Schaffer Library of Health Sciences, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY

“My name is Jessica, and I am very unique person,” 11-year-old Jessica Perk says at the beginning of this documentary. And unique she is.

This short documentary focuses on Perk, who suffers from Stargardt’s Disease, a form of juvenile macular degeneration with no known cure. Stargardt’s is a problem with the eye’s retina. In Jessica’s case, she is legally blind but has excellent peripheral vision. Rather, she has trouble seeing objects directly in front of her, such as peoples’ faces. According to Jessica, it’s as if the things are just “not there.” Objects in front of her sometimes appear as spots, or take the color of things around them.

Edges of Perception shows how Jessica strives (and succeeds) in leading a normal life despite her disease. Interviews with Jessica, her parents, one of Jessica’s teachers, Marla Runyon—a legally blind runner and Jessica’s hero—and Jessica’s ophthalmologist help tell the story.

As Perk herself says, she must work harder to achieve the same things that her classmates achieve with less work. Jessica reads the same books as others, only in large-print. She attends a regular school but is allowed to stand near the front, so she can better see what is being written on the chalkboard. Her uplifting attitude is evident throughout the documentary—Jessica wants to be first female president of the United States.

Perk is also an athlete, participating in soccer, running and biking. Her hero is Marla Runyon, a legally blind Olympic runner who also has Stargardt’s Disease. Runyon’s story is touched on briefly as well. The two correspond via e-mail, and the end of the documentary shows Jessica meeting her idol in person at a road race in Albany, NY.

Edges of Perception shows how children with disabilities can frequently participate in the same activities as their classmates. It also reflects Perk’s strong support system in the form of her sunny disposition, as well as her family, doctor and teachers. Ideal for libraries with strong ophthalmology/optometry collections, or health science collections in general.