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Preterm Labor. Reduce Your Risk and Learn the Signs cover image

Preterm Labor. Reduce Your Risk and Learn the Signs 2008


Distributed by InJoy Videos, 7107 La Vista Place, Longmont, CO 80503; 800-326-2082
Produced by Julie Perry
Directed by Julie Perry
DVD, color, 15 min.

Sr. High - Adult
Health Sciences

Date Entered: 07/11/2008

Reviewed by Lori Widzinski, Health Sciences Library, University at Buffalo, State University of New York

This patient education program provides essential information for expectant mothers to be aware of the signs and symptoms of preterm labor. Defined as a gestation period of less than 37 weeks, preterm labor occurs in 1 out of 8 pregnancies in the U.S. Preterm birth can bring a host of problems and this video emphasizes the importance of keeping the baby inside the womb for as long as possible.

Brief and to the point, Preterm Labor is divided into three main chapters: “What is preterm labor?”, “ Who’s at risk?”, and “What are the signs?” Each segment explains the critical issues related to the topic. It drives home the point that all expectant mothers, whether they are diagnosed “at risk” or not, need to be aware of all the potential indicators of preterm labor. As with other InJoy productions, the information is relevant and up-to-date, and the delivery is professional. It stresses the important points without being strident or boring. A bonus section titled “Krysta & Ryan: A Preterm Labor Story,” is a brief interview with two young parents who experience a preterm birth with their first child. Their outcome is a happy one and their situation is relatively routine and free of complications.

The audience for this program is expectant mothers and their partners, and therefore is best suited for patient education collections in libraries and clinic settings. Recommended.