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Chasing the Cancer Answer 2006

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Fanlight Productions, 32 Court St., 21st Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201; 800-876-1710
Produced by Michael Gruzuk, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Director n/a
DVD, color, 44 min.

College - Adult
Biology, Carcinogens, Cancer, Health Sciences, Genetics, Environmental Studies, Physiology

Date Entered: 11/12/2008

Reviewed by Ernarosa Tominich, MLS, Trocaire College Library, Buffalo NY

Wendy Mesley, a television host, contracts cancer in spite of a very healthy regimen of diet and exercise. Suspecting external factors for her illness, Wendy gets a blood test. Disbelieving results show high levels of PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) in her body and trigger Mesley’s personal probe about the relevance of environmental carcinogens to the cancer epidemic in Canada.

Is it a mere coincidence that 89% of cancers in Canada are provoked by environmental triggers? After extensive interviews with victims of cancer, doctors and advocates for social awareness on this controversial topic, disquieting information surfaces as to why people get cancer. One interesting finding is that Canadian beef is banned in Europe due to the use of beef hormones. Another is the flawed “Doll and Pets” report with claims that the environment does not cause cancer. These disturbing clues are not properly reflected in “politically channeled” information released to the public.

Chasing the Cancer Answer contains excellent audio and video quality. The formal narrative intertwines screen shots of factual information on cancer with professional quality investigative reporting. This DVD is highly recommended for general and academic libraries.

For more information on PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) visit the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.