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Understanding Fetal Alcohol Syndrome cover image

Understanding Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 2008


Distributed by Human Relations Media, 41 Kensico Drive, Mt. Kisco, NY 10549; 800-431-2050
Produced by John O’Neill
Directed by John O’Neill
DVD , color, 13 min.

Jr. High - Adult
Adolescence, Health Sciences

Date Entered: 11/25/2008

Reviewed by Buzz Haughton, Shields Library, University of California at Davis

The devastating effects of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) are the central point of this DVD. Several thousands of children born in the US every year are affected by their mothers’ use of alcohol during pregnancy. FAS can result in physiological deformities, inability to learn during early childhood, inability to control anger and a very limited ability to adapt to various job requirements in later life. The overriding impression gained from the interviews with those affected by FAS and medical experts is that this is an entirely preventable syndrome: pregnant mothers should refrain from imbibing in alcohol during pregnancy.