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Vito Acconci: In Conversation at Acconci Studio cover image

Vito Acconci: In Conversation at Acconci Studio 2008


Distributed by Microcinema International/Microcinema DVD, 1636 Bush St., Suite #2, SF, CA 94109; 415-447-9750
Produced by Christie Poggi and Aaron Levy
Directed by Laura Hanna
DVD, color, 78 min.; CD: 40 min.

College - Adult
Architecture, Museums

Date Entered: 01/07/2009

Reviewed by Janis Tyhurst, Reference Librarian, George Fox University

This film is the culmination of the curatorial project created by the students in the 2007-2008 Halpern-Rogath Curatorial Seminar at the University of Pennsylvania. The seminar course has undergrad and graduate students working with faculty to organize and produce an exhibition on a selected topic. In this particular seminar, the class produced the exhibition Power Fields: Explorations in the Work of Vito Acconci. This film is a recording of the students gathered at Acconci Studio in New York for a Q&A session with Vito Acconci asking questions relating to Acconci’s views on particular aspects of his work.

Because of the narrow focus, this film will be of interest primarily to those who are interested in Vito Acconci and his work.

The companion CD contains the following audio selections:

  • Ten Packed Minutes (15 minutes)
  • First Impressions and the Beginnings of a Conceptual Approach (25 minutes)
The first is a stream of consciousness recitation that includes singing and repetitive phrases by Acconci. The second entry is a series of thoughts on how to start the design process.