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America Sews Series 1100: Make it Professional cover image

America Sews Series 1100: Make it Professional 200?


Distributed by Chip Taylor Communications, 2 East View Drive, Derry, NH 03038-4812; 800-876-CHIP (2447)
Produced by Sue Hausmann and VMS, Inc.
Director n/a
DVD, color, 30 min.

Jr. High - Adult

Date Entered: 03/23/2009

Reviewed by Lori Widzinski, Health Sciences Library, University at Buffalo, State University of New York

This is an episode of the America Sews television series which airs on public television stations across the country. Producer and host Sue Hausmann demonstrates step-by-step instructions for a variety of sewing projects, and this program includes making custom-made draperies look professional, and a quick project tote bag.

Making draperies can be a daunting thought, but as Sue and her guest Barbara Zagnoni discuss, if you can sew a straight stitch, you can make drapes. It’s the folding, creasing, steaming, and fusible web that make them look quite professional. The small tote bag is another easy project, and even beginning sewers will be able to follow both of these project instructions.

Most people have seen these type of programs either on their public television station or one of the home renovation and decorating channels, and have a good idea what to expect. This is no different, and represents one episode of this popular series. Recommended for public libraries or personal collections.