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Last Rights: Facing End of Life Choices 2009


Distributed by Filmakers Library, 124 East 40th Street, New York, NY 10016; 202-808-4980
Produced by Karen Cantor and Chris Gavin
Directed by Karen Cantor
DVD, color, 56 min.

College - Adult
Death and Dying, Ethics, Health Sciences, Human Rights

Date Entered: 01/26/2010

Reviewed by Linda Yau, Bronx Community College Library, Bronx, NY

Last Rights is a documentary based on the scenario that you as a patient are diagnosed with a terminal illness. In the end, what choice will you make? Bear with the illness or consider alternative options? The documentary is made up of four different case studies of terminal patients in various parts of the U.S. Each interview gives the viewer a philosophical view on whether the individual has a choice or not. Yes, it is humane to ease the sufferings of the individuals, but if given a realistic choice, would humans misuse this opportunity? This has, and is, a highly controversial subject. However, because of how subjective each case is, there is the question of humanity and morality.

There are no special features within this DVD or pronounced division between the interviews. The documentary seamlessly moves between the four case studies showcasing superb narration and editing.

Last Rights is suitable for adults and college students. Prior understanding of the topic will be helpful, making this useful as an addition to an existing library collection in a public or academic setting.