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Mortal Lessons 2008


Distributed by Fanlight Productions, 4196 Washington, Suite 2, Boston, MA 02131; 800-937-4113
Produced by David Liban
Director n/a
DVD, color, 51 min.

Sr. High - Adult
Health Sciences, Psychology, Rehabilitation

Date Entered: 01/27/2010

Reviewed by Linda Yau, Bronx Community College Library, Bronx, NY

How do people think about and talk about death? How do they react to unexpected death? How do they reach a point of acceptance? Mortal Lessons covers the subject of death and dying from a variety of perspectives. There are interviews with health workers, religious professionals, psychologists, and funeral workers. Several case studies are mentioned, but primarily the program focuses on Cindy and Carole, both terminally ill patients. The interviews cover matters relevant on this inevitable possibility, and are a good program to for learning about coping with the process of death and dying. There are special features with this DVD including additional topics on the funeral industry and a representation of death in the media. Subtitling is also an option.

This is a strong program covering many aspects of death and dying. Everything is straight forward. One weakness, however, is a lack of male patients, leaving a feeling of gender inequality. This program is appropriate for public libraries and high school to adult viewing audiences.