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Music of the Brain 2009


Distributed by Films Media Group, PO Box 2053, Princeton, New Jersey 08543-2053; 800-257-5126
Produced by Fiona Cochrane
Directed by Fiona Cochrane
DVD, color, 56 min.

College - Adult
Health Sciences, Music, Psychology, Rehabilitation

Date Entered: 10/21/2010

Reviewed by Eugenia Abbey, Georgia Perimeter College

Music psychologists and neuroscientists discuss the current state of knowledge regarding the effects of music on the normal and damaged brain and on the developing brain of the child. Passive listening, to Mozart or any other music, has little effect on a child’s brain; however making music, whether singing with family or learning early to play a musical instrument, has a profound influence. Music therapy for stroke patients with aphasia is a powerful tool. Some patients who cannot speak coherently are able to sing normally; often they can re-learn to speak by first singing the words. In much the same way stroke and Parkinson’s disease patients can regain walking and other motor skills by walking or moving affected areas to music. Music stimulates undamaged parts of the brain to take over functions from the damaged brain. For the geriatric population group music making has profound positive effects on mood, social interaction, activity level, breathing and cognition. Technical quality is excellent. This film is a must for collections supporting music therapy or music psychology programs; a strong choice for neuroscience, general psychology and allied health collections.