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Inside the Cold War 1999


Distributed by Films for the Humanities and Sciences, PO Box 2053, Princeton, NJ 08543-2053; 800-257-5126
Produced by Bruce D. Johnson and Porchlight Entertainment
Directed by Bruce D. Johnson
CD-ROM, Windows 95, 32MB of RAM, 16 bit graphics card, quad speed

High School - Adult

Date Entered: 11/09/2018

Reviewed by Jay Schwartz, Suffolk County Community College Library, Riverhead, New York

The Cold War is one of the major shapers of the second half of the 20th century. This CD-ROM program features speeches, interviews, news footage, documents, etc. focused on seven key figures - Nixon, Kennedy, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Gorbachev and Bush. An eighth section outlines the fall of the Soviet Union. Commentary and interviews by David Frost, bring together the various segments.

Also included is a time-line covering events in America, Europe, and the world from 1945-1992 as well as a dictionary of names, places and events. There is a world map with the location and brief description of important events highlighted. Live web links to presidential libraries and other important sites are provided.

Much useful information is provided, although the "sound bite" prevails (perhaps unavoidable in this format). A good starting point for information about the Cold War, not a source for in depth information. Recommended. A technical note: I could not get this program to function on a Windows NT platform.