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Mother and New Baby Care: The First Two Weeks cover image

Mother and New Baby Care: The First Two Weeks 2010

Highly Recommended

Distributed by InJoy Videos, 7107 La Vista Place, Longmont, CO 80503; 800-326-2082
Produced by InJoy Productions Inc.
Directed by Vicki Murray-Kurzban
DVD, color, 34 min.

Sr. High - Adult
Health Sciences

Date Entered: 05/02/2011

Reviewed by Kay Hogan Smith, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences

Bringing home a newborn infant is an exciting but daunting experience for new parents. Suddenly, they’re thrust into the role of “responsible grown-up” on a level which nothing in their prior life experiences could have truly prepared them. This brief DVD addresses common concerns and questions that typically come up during that initial adjustment period. Narrated by a pleasant young mother, “Laura,” the overall tone is calming and reassuring. Care is taken to avoid information overload, and while some of the topics covered include medical terminology, the information is accessible and easy to understand. In general, most of the informational slides contain no more than 3 bullet points. Different ethnic groups and family types are portrayed as well, making this a good choice for multiple audiences. This would make an excellent addition to a pre-discharge library for a hospital maternity unit.