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Untold Desires 1994


Distributed by Fanlight Productions, 32 Court Street, 21st Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201; (800) 876-1710
Produced by Eva Orner
Directed by Sarah Stephens
DVD, color, 57 min.

General Adult
Health Sciences, Communication

Date Entered: 05/20/2011

Reviewed by Warren Hawkes, Library, New York State Nurses Association

Current reviews of the health literature on the attitudes of health professionals toward the disabled still indicate that a significant portion do not perceive of people with disabilities as having a sexual identity. So maybe this film produced in 1994, which provides an amazingly candid perspective on the sexuality of individuals with disabilities, should be mandatory viewing for all health professionals, and potentially all mature adults. Through a series of interviews with people who have both disabilities from birth and accident related disabilities, we are enlightened to the stigma that the disabled are subjected to on a routine basis from family, friends, institutions and often times even people that initiate relationships. Additional footage provides us with simulation of the unique techniques that some disabled individuals have utilized for sexual happiness. Despite the striking dissimilarities of disabilities and gender/sexual identity, there was an amazingly consistent need for sexual interaction and fulfillment as a component to one’s life. And in making that point draw us to the conclusion that people, disabled or not, have incredibly consistent needs across the human spectrum.