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And There Was Light cover image

And There Was Light n/a

Recommended with serious reservations

Distributed by Alden Films, Box 449, Clarksburg, NJ 08510; 732.462.3522
Produced by Maurice T. Groen
Directed by Maurice T. Groen
DVD, color, 33 min.

Sr. High – General Adult
Religious Studies

Date Entered: 12/07/2011

Reviewed by Mary Northrup, Metropolitan Community College-Maple Woods, Kansas City, Missouri

From prehistory to modern times, the journey of the books that would form the Old Testament and the New Testament through the centuries make up the core theme of this film. This Bible history is told through a single narrator, speaking over the display of many works of art from museums, historical maps, writings, and pages from Bibles.

The film brings out the long history and the many people who were involved in the development of the Bible, beginning with the early prophets, then the evangelists, the saints and kings, the scribes and copyists who all added to its creation and preservation. The film covers both Protestant and Catholic versions.

Unfortunately, the fuzzy visuals and sound detract from the film, which appears to be a transfer from an earlier medium to a DVD. A date is given on screen, but it is so unclear as to be indecipherable, although the style of film, music, and narration seems to place it in the 1950s. The dated style will not appeal to most, especially young people.

While the subject is a worthy one for college classrooms, church groups, and public library collections, the style and technical aspects cannot be overlooked. Those seeking a quick, half-hour overview of the history of the Bible could certainly achieve that through watching this film, but they would have to be willing to look past the dated presentation.

Recommended with serious reservations.