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Getting In: The Truth About College Admissions 2011


Distributed by Human Relations Media, 41 Kensico Drive, Mt. Kisco, NY 10549; 800-431-2050
Produced by Anson Schloat & Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan
Directed by Chris Hale
DVD, color, 110 min.

Sr. High – General Adult
Career Counseling, Education

Date Entered: 12/19/2011

Reviewed by Hope Marie Cook, Curriculum Center Librarian, Eastern Connecticut State University

This video is a short basic step by step guide to prepare high school students to meet the application requirements of applying and getting accepted into the college of their choice. Four teens who have mastered the process give their support to viewers as well as guidance counselors and university admissions staff. The advice is limited as the video is short, but acts as a primer in an attempt to get high school students thinking about and mastering the academic maze that is college admittance.

While the video gives an introduction and basic guidance, it doesn’t go far enough with explaining why one applicant would be preferred over others, and what steps one can take, such as an appeal if they are not successful in getting into the college of their choice the first time around. The title suggests that viewers are going to be let in on secrets, but instead the advice is simple and the subject matter lacks the in-depth coverage and research that Internet savvy students have come to expect. It would be helpful if the preparation advice on how to build a sound academic record was geared towards middle school students. This would give the viewing audience more of an opportunity to widen the scope of their academics and become involved in extracurricular activities, take advanced placement classes, and prepare for standardized and subject tests.

This video is recommended if it is used with other comprehensive materials on the subject, but it can simply not stand on its own when getting students familiar with and prepared for what may be one of the major and most expensive decisions that they will have to make in their teen lives. The video comes with a 47 page teacher resource materials with pre and post-tests, learning objectives, and fact sheets.