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A Community of Gardeners 2011


Distributed by Community of Gardeners, 4242 East-West Hwy., #712, Chevy Chase, MD 20815; 301-657-3225
Produced by Cintia Cabib
Directed by Cintia Cabib
DVD, color, 60 min.

Jr. High - General Adult
American Studies, Food, Gardening, Urban Studies

Date Entered: 03/01/2012

Reviewed by Jessica Isler, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT

A Community of Gardeners makes an excellent case for the value of community garden projects by showing their impact in several urban settings. While the gardens profiled each have different goals and systems of administration (some are tended communally while others are tended by individuals, etc.) it is clear that community gardens share an ability to fulfill important needs for both the individuals and the communities involved. Providing access to fresh, healthy food, increasing self-sufficiency, improving urban aesthetics, and strengthening communities by enabling connections across diverse socio-economic groups were just a few of the benefits highlighted. It is easy to finish A Community of Gardeners convinced of the infinite potential benefits (and no potential downsides) from community gardening. In addition, the film provides a window to the origin of community gardens, showing different historical incarnations; from the beginning of the school garden movement to the war gardens of the 20th century, and beyond. This film is recommended for general audiences, and could be a useful resource for communities considering a garden project, or for those interested in learning about community garden volunteer opportunities.