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Syria: The Assad’s Twilight 2011

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Icarus Films, 32 Court St., 21st Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201; 800-876-1710
Produced by Bonnie Compagnie & ARTE France
Directed by Vincent de Cointet & Christophe Ayad
DVD, color, 52 min.

Jr. High - General Adult
Syria, Middle East, Political Science, Politics, Human Rights, Activism, Social Movement, Arab Spring, Assad Regime, Comparative Government, Repressive Government

Date Entered: 06/28/2012

Reviewed by Malcolm L. Rigsby, Department of Sociology and Human Services, Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, Arkansas

This film will not disappoint the viewer seeking to be enlightened about the recent history of Syria and the influence of Syria on the rest of the world. The directors incorporate archived newscasts, current narrative from current politicians and security members, and interviews that include both observers and dissidents of the regime.

Syria is perhaps one of the most perfected dictatorships of our current age. The film begins with an excellent account of the methods used by Hafez Assad to gain control of the Syrian people and as a side item his control of neighboring Lebanon. Hafez’ struggle with Israel led to strong Syrian control over Lebanon. The eventual loss of the 1967 war with Israel left the Assad Regime pressured to use its power to create a repressive and secretive cover.

With the death of Hafez Assad, hopes of a moderate leadership under Bashar soon dwindled. Syrian troops were forced to leave Lebanon, resulting in great humiliation and fear that outside powers including the US would try to topple the new regime. Regardless, Bashar’s regime continued to survive. Faced with other internal problems arising from the Muslim Brotherhood, Bashar strengthened the secret police and developed stronger ties with Iran.

We see how many worldwide influences may have set the stage for the Assad regime to seek to exclude all outside interference. Faced with George W. Bush’s mandate to destroy Hezbollah, the exclusive stance of Syria has only strengthened. Nevertheless, the film shows how Bashar Assad has developed his ability to be a survivor. The question presented is whether in light of the events surrounding the Arab Spring the Assad Regime can survive.

You will find this film well edited and shot with vivid photography and sound. Scenes and footage are accompanied by an excellent narration. Music interludes are introduced to maintain enjoyable viewing when watching archival footage. This film is recent and will keep your attention. It addresses current events and informs the viewer in a very intimate way. Don’t miss it!

For a preview, please watch the YouTube clip.