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Research Design: Observational and Correlational Studies 2011


Distributed by Insight Media, 2162 Broadway, New York, NY 10024; 800-233-9910
Produced by Insight Media
Directed by Ken Lam
DVD, color, 40 min.

Sr. High - General Adult
Research, Science

Date Entered: 01/11/2013

Reviewed by Barbara Butler, University of Oregon Institute of Marine Biology

Insight Media has created a number of short, closed captioned films addressing the research process. This fills a need as there are few current DVDs on this subject available for purchase. This particular offering describes the scientific method and focuses on observational and correlational experiments. The authors point out that to determine cause and effect an experimental design would be needed, but they describe the situations in which observational and correlational studies would be useful. Observational studies can be used to gather preliminary data and are, in general, less time consuming and expensive than other studies. Researchers interviewed in this film explain measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), variability, kurtosis (shape) in the visual display of results, as well as measures of skewness and shape distribution. An amazing amount of information is delivered in a short period of time and the combination of narration and interview works well. This is a valuable resource and would be a good addition to high-school and college libraries.