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Salma 2013


Distributed by Women Make Movies, 115 W. 29th Street, Suite 1200,New York, NY, 10001; 212-925-0606
Produced by Kim Longinotto
Directed by Kim Longinotto
DVD, color, 89 min.

Jr. High - General Adult
Resistance of Women, Human Rights, India, Social Justice, Religion, Tradition and Family, Women’s Rights

Date Entered: 07/24/2013

Reviewed by Malcolm L. Rigsby, Department of Sociology and Human Services, Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, Arkansas

People often cite the search for fulfillment as a major quest of life. It may be said that in each person’s achieved personal fulfillment they are able to locate and freely portray their true self. Longinotto’s film Salma centers on the life of the female Indian poet by the same name. In an environment in which women who wish to publicly express their selves we may easily understand that many women may feel unfulfilled and unable to achieve personal fulfillment. In short they are unable to portray their true self openly. For these women, like Salma, they may face daily life in a state of melancholy. But, as with the case of Salma we find that persistence in realizing one’s own identity provides a pathway in which women may establish their dignity and promote their own identity. The story line for Salma explains the often too accurate lives of young girls in many regions of the world where they are expected to marry young. Where tradition and cultural distinction is not to be demeaned it is noteworthy that as each generation ages change besets our world’s many societies and groups. Salma. a Tamil poet, seeking to explain her place in the world and the placement of society, family and religion in her culture’s setting helps those of us who have not experienced the plight of womanhood in such societies to have a better understanding. Longinotto is to be commended on her straightforward approach to docufilm -making. Salma follows a considerable number of films directed by Longinotto that seek to explore what it means to be a woman in the 21st century.

Salma presents several solutions to helping women around the world locate themselves within society and gain recognition and identity. One primary solution is education. It is through expansion of the mind that all women may seek and explore change in their social roles and positions in society. No doubt, Salma will leave you as I, impassioned and eager to know more about not just this woman but motivated to assist in the change Salma calls for.

Salma is has excellent photography, sound, and graphics. It is a must see. A film clip sponsored by Women Make Movies is available on their web site.


  • Winner Documentary Edge Festival, 2013