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The Elder Project 2010


Distributed by Icarus Films, 32 Court St., 21st Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201; 800-876-1710
Produced by The National Film Board of Canada
Directed by Eva Colmers
DVD, color, 130 min.

College - General Adult
Psychology, Sociology, Allied Health, Gerontology, Education

Date Entered: 10/30/2013

Reviewed by Rodney Birch, Reference Librarian, George Fox University

Aged. Elderly. Older People. Seniors. Senior Citizens. These are all terms used interchangeably to describe or refer to persons falling within a certain age group in society. Persons aged 60+ represent a growing segment of society, so it is important to understand how they view the world, as well how they come to grips with the aging process, loss of health and mental capacities, and loss of independence. This documentary includes interviews with and candid snapshots of six elders who are aged 80+. Each elder represents a different socioeconomic and cultural background. In some cases, family members of the elder are also interviewed. This feature provides a balanced perspective between how both the elder and the family member perceives the aging process, as well as the “coming to grips” with the idea that their loved one is aging.

The documentary includes a lot of candid shots of the person in his or her environment which adds a certain tension or reinforcement of the person’s comments or situation. It is difficult to determine whether the elder’s comments are responding to questions posed by the interviewer (off camera), or if the elder is speaking “off the cuff” as they think of things to say. Additionally, there are times when the videography appears intrusive, and the viewer gets the feeling that the elder wishes the camera would go away. This DVD would be a useful resource for ethnographic projects and gerontology studies in sociology, psychology, allied health, education, social work, and counseling.