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A Strange Course of Events 2013


Distributed by Kino Lorber Edu, 333 West 39 St, Suite 503, New York, NY 10018; 212-629-6880
Produced by Caroline Bonmarchand, Marek Rozenbaum, Itai Tamir, Isaac Sharry
Directed by Raphael Nadjari
DVD, color, 98 min.

Sr. High - General Adult
Judaism, Israel, Family Relations

Date Entered: 02/14/2014

Reviewed by Michael Fein, Coordinator of Library Services, Central Virginia Community College, Lynchburg, VA

This French-Israeli production is a story concerning a certain Shaul, a somewhat geeky computer support guy in a medical clinic who seems to be something of a dreamer. He takes the train from an unknown city to visit his father in Haifa. They have not seen each other in five years and he finds his father is into yoga, has a New Age spacey girlfriend, a daughter who is something of a handful, and an ex who is her daughter’s mother. After a contentious interchange with his family he slips at the fish market and ends up in the hospital. There he meets a woman and the two find themselves to be simpatico. The story is a bit strange and doubtless has a number of Israeli cultural references that passed over the reviewer’s head. Still, Shaul’s family seems like your normal dysfunctional contemporary family and the happy ending is nice. The sound for this is 5.1 Dolby surround and has a nice jazz soundtrack. There are some humorous scenes in the film, but the audience appeal for this may be limited.