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Catching Babies 2012

Recommended with reservations

Distributed by Third World Newsreel, 545 Eighth Avenue, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10018; 212-947-9277
Produced by Jennifer Lucero
Directed by Barni A. Qaasim
DVD , color, 60 min., Language options are English, Spanish, or English/Spanish

Sr. High - General Adult
Childbirth, Indigenous Peoples, Latinos (United States), Medical Profession, Women’s Health, Women’s Rights, Anthropology

Date Entered: 10/02/2014

Reviewed by Sara Parme, Digital Services Librarian, Daniel A. Reed Library, SUNY Fredonia

Catching Babies portrays the emotional lives and experiences of the student midwives and mothers at the Maternidad la Luz Birth Center and School in El Paso, Texas. The births shown are similar to the tone of the film itself - quiet and undramatized.

While the reasons the students chose to become midwives and why mothers chose this place to give birth include economics, societal views of childbirth, and negative experiences with doctors, Catching Babies is not a political film. The documentary is heavily influenced by the local indigenous culture and customs of living on the US/Mexican border.

Catching Babies is a very positive celebration of women and community, but portrays a very unique experience specific to its location. Appropriate for Mexican American studies, anthropology courses, and any school that offers midwifery courses. The homegrown feel of the film is appropriate, but a time marker that blinks in the top right corner of the film is distracting. Because of the very specific nature of the film it is recommended with reservations.


  • Excellence in Documenting Women's Health Award, Puente a la Salud