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The Miracle of Birth 2014

Highly Recommended

Distributed by InJoy Videos, 7107 La Vista Place, Longmont, CO 80503; 800-326-2082
Producer n/a
Director n/a
DVD, color, 61 min.

General Adult

Date Entered: 01/22/2015

Reviewed by Sandy Costanza D’Youville College, Buffalo, NY

Five different birth stories are portrayed for the viewer in The Miracle of Birth. Topics during labor such as comfort measures both natural and enhancing with analgesics and epidurals, an unmedicated birth, induction of labor, prolonged labor, as well as a vaginal twin birth are discussed and shown in this film. Explanations for what and why a decision is made are done very well in terms that would be parents can easily understand. Labor ans delivery is painful, messy, bloody and a miracle all at the same time! The Miracle of Birth does a wonderful job of exploring all aspects.

Kudos to the production team who show the multitude of equipment, instruments and technology that would be parents may be exposed to during their birth journey. Needles, monitors, vaginal exams, the rupturing of membranes, and dad cutting the umbilical cord are all displayed in a very realistic manner.

My only drawback to the film is that cesarean section is not addressed and the five stories are all perfect births without complications. Often times this is not what happens and while I realize a dire outcome is not what should be portrayed, I do think portraying at least one birth with a complication would expose the would be parents to the fact that unexpected things happen during deliveries. While it truly is the miracle of life sometimes professional, medical intervention is necessary.