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Lenny Cooke 2013

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Josh and Benny Safdie
Produced by Adam Shopkorn
Directed by Josh and Benny Safdie
DVD , color, 92 min.

Sr. High - General Adult
Basketball Players, Biography, National Basketball Association

Date Entered: 01/22/2015

Reviewed by Professor Carl R. Andrews, Reference & Instruction Librarian, Bronx Community College

Lenny Cooke is an inner-city high school senior with hopes of one day becoming a professional basketball player; his story mimics that of many high school athletes. Viewers will be intrigued by this young man’s gift for the sport, and at first, you’re certain that he stands a good chance of getting into the NBA. People ask for his autograph on more than one occasion throughout the film, and he’s not even a pro. He even entered the June 2002 NBA draft, which is a dream come true for many young, inner-city basketball players. However, Lenny never gets drafted. Even worse, he never goes back to school. Fast forward ten years, we see what has become of Lenny’s life. This film has many lessons for all young adults. Themes such as money-management, planning for the future and academic success are just a few of the issues addressed in this documentary. Viewers will ask: Why wasn’t there a Plan B? Where were his role models? This is a powerful documentary that is both entertaining and thought provoking. High school librarians will want to add Lenny Cooke to their collection. Parents of high school students who aspire to one day become professional athletes, will want to teens to watch this film.