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Bad Coyote 2013

Highly Recommended

Distributed by National Film Board of Canada, 1123 Broadway, Suite 307, New York, NY 10010; 800-542-2164
Produced by Paul McNeill
Directed by Jason Young
DVD, color, 52 min.

High School - General Adult
Animal Behavior, Documentaries, Evolution, Sociology, Wildlife

Date Entered: 05/13/2015

Reviewed by Sandy Costanza D’Youville College, Buffalo, NY

2009 Nova Scotia, Canada Taylor Mitchell a 19 year old singer/songwriter from Toronto. While hiking in a popular wildlife park he was mauled and later died from injuries sustained in a coyote attack. It was established that at least two but probably more eastern coyotes were involved. This breed has evolved with a wolf gene into what is being called the Bad Coyote.

This particular species is being referred to as a super species with violent tendencies. These coyotes are strong, extremely intelligent, adapt quickly to their environment, hunt in packs, are larger than average and travel and act like wolves.

The film, while highlighting the danger of these particular animals, addresses the issue of humans learning to coexist with the surrounding wildlife. This film highly suggests a bleak outlook in coexisting with the Bad Coyote and in fact warns about future disasters waiting to happen. It certainly will make the viewer aware of his/her surroundings in the wild!