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Out in the Line-up: Uncovering the Taboo of Homosexuality in Surfing    cover image

Out in the Line-up: Uncovering the Taboo of Homosexuality in Surfing 2014

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Green Planet Films, PO Box 247, Corte Madera, CA 94976-0247; 415-377-5471
Produced by Thomas Castets
Directed by Ian W. Thomson
DVD , color, 70 min.

High School - General Adult
Homosexuality, Gender Identity, History, Education, Journalism

Date Entered: 07/01/2015

Reviewed by Jacob Carter, University of Massachusetts Boston

Out in the Line-up provides insight into how surfing culture, once grounded in ideals of free-spiritedness, open-mindedness, and connection to nature, became infected with homophobia, as did most other professional sports. The film centers around a tour by David Wakefield, former surfing champion, and Thomas Castets, founder of, of Australia, Hawaii, California, Mexico, and the Galapagos Islands. During the tour, the pair interviewed amateur and former professional gay and lesbian surfers, sports journalists, and scholars. Individuals interviewed include professional surfers Cori Schumacher, Robbins Thompson, Nell Schofield, Keala Kennelly, plus surf journalist Fred Pawle, author Clifton Evers, and former U.S. Congressman Barney Frank and his surfer husband Jim Ready.

The documentary explores the evolution of homophobia in surfing and reveals the role corporate sponsorship and media played in perpetuating it. Accounts of isolation, intimidation, and harassment used to highlight the consequences of homophobia in surfing are balanced by inspiring stories of strength and resilience.

As an educational tool, Out in the Line-up is highly recommended for gay and lesbian studies, and gender studies. The film, however, is potentially useful for other disciplines as well; particularly courses related to media studies. Considering that it is geared toward non-academic audiences, the film is best suited for use as an instrument for generating discussion or exemplifying abstract concepts. Out in the Line-up is also recommended for general collections.