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Print the Legend 2014


Distributed by Passion River Films, 154 Mt. Bethel Rd., Warren, NJ 07059; 732-321-0711
Produced by Infinite Films
Directed by Luis Lopez and Clay Tweel
DVD , color, 1 hr., 38 min.

High School - General Adult
Computer Industry, Business, Technology, Careers

Date Entered: 07/20/2015

Reviewed by Linda Yau, Bronx Community College Library, Bronx, NY

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 1400’s—fast forward to contemporary times—the computer industry is claiming that they are on the brink of a new revolution. This is the revolution of 3D printing. Being able to print usable physical products from just a digital file is a technological innovation.

Print The Legend is a documentary featuring a series of chronological interviews among people that make up the 3D printing industry. Companies like Makerbots, Formlabs, 3D Systems and Stratasys are mentioned. Specifically the backstories of Makerbot and Formlabs are documented, the process of how they went from garage or basements spaces to large corporate manufacturing enterprises. The film mentions the business methods these start-ups use and how they survive the reality of the business world. The controversy of being able to print firearms, a demand that is led by Cody Wilson, is also touched upon.

This is a documentary worth having, because outside of blogs or video interviews with each separate person there isn’t a single documentary existing packed full with interviews from various competing 3D industry innovators or entrepreneurs. Artistically speaking, this documentary focuses on the influence of the late Steve Jobs of Apple. A technical point to note is that this DVD does not have subtitles and is a bare bones copy of what can be seen on

This documentary is digitally distributed on Netflix, yet as a DVD, this is a film that would find a place among collections where there is an emphasis on computers and new technology. This is a documentary also suitable for academic libraries where there are business majors and for public libraries where there is any existing collection for materials about how to start and then maintain a business’s momentum. A trailer of this documentary can be found on their website.


  • Karen Schmeer Award Winner 2014
  • SXSW Film Festival Special Jury Prize Winner 2014