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Fall and Winter 2013

Highly Recommended

Distributed by First Pond Distribution, 213-545-6851
Produced by James Baker
Directed by Matt Anderson
DVD , color, 102 min.

College - General Adult
Environmentalism, Sustainable Living, Social Movements, Ethics, Capitalism, Economics, Humanities, Social Problems, Sociology

Date Entered: 01/07/2016

Reviewed by Dawn K. Wing, Media Services Librarian, Suffolk County Community College

An ambitious documentary, Fall and Winter: A Survival Guide for the 21st Century, urgently cautions viewers about the bleak reality of environmental destruction stemming from past and present capitalistic greed and the even bleaker global repercussions that will effect future generations if we continue to live in this way. The film succeeds in expressing a deep disturbance and anxiety of earthly and spiritual depletion through visual montages of the psychological, cultural and environmental violence humans have imposed upon one another through agriculture, technology and imperialism. Director Matt Anderson also provides historical and contemporary perspectives of our global economic and climate crisis by masterfully merging the insightful commentary of philosophers, environmentalists, activists, journalists and indigenous leaders such as Thomas Banyaca, Grace Lee Boggs, William Kotke and John Tubuwa Golumo.

The film provokes a clear warning: the collective pathology of unconscious living driven by selfish and materialistic values and the exploitation of nature is putting all living things of our planet at risk of extinction. However, Anderson does offer viewers a sense of hope for humanity that can only come with a personal willingness to change as demonstrated by movements like Occupy Wall Street and progressive sustainability practices as shown in the film. Fall and Winter is a gift to humanity in that it is a reminder that calls upon each individual to live conscientiously and peacefully by connecting and heeding to the ways of nature and to the needs of the global community.

Inspiring and provocative, Fall and Winter is highly recommended for environmental studies and sociology courses examining issues of wealth and power in society and its impact on the natural environment and human civilization. Students will be moved to discuss the importance of social responsibility and sustainability practices, which they will hopefully take beyond the classroom and enact upon in their own lives.