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A River Between Us    cover image

A River Between Us 2015

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Green Planet Films, PO Box 247, Corte Madera, CA 94976-0247; 415-377-5471
Produced by Jeff Martin and Jason Atkinson
Directed by Jeff Martin
DVD, color, 90 min.

Middle School - General Adult
Klamath River, Water Rights, Conservation

Date Entered: 05/06/2016

Reviewed by Barbara Butler, University of Oregon Institute of Marine Biology

This video tackles the age-old problem of the Klamath River, one of the most important rivers in the Pacific Northwest for anadromous fisheries, and does a wonderful job describing the complicated situation that pitted Native Americans against farmers for water rights and left salmon hanging in the balance.

This is possibly the best educational video I have ever watched. It weaves together stellar footage and interview segments to carefully explain every facet of the Klamath River situation. We heard from every interested party: Native Americans, farmers, biologists and politicians and viewers will leave with a thorough understanding of the viewpoints involved. I quite liked River of Renewal which did a stellar job of covering the Klamath River crisis, but A River Between Us raises the bar.

The film is very timely in that Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA) has just been signed and work to remove four of the hydroelectric dams can progress without congressional approval as the dams would be decommissioned through the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

What this film shows us is the coming together of all interested parties—something that took many years and was heartwarming to witness. At the signing of the KHSA Sally Jewell, Secretary of the Interior, said it was "a day to reaffirm our shared commitment to restore and heal the Klamath Basin" and to recognize that "coming together is our only path forward."

I highly recommend this film to school, public and academic libraries.