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Can We Take a Joke?    cover image

Can We Take a Joke? 2015


Distributed by Tugg, Inc., 855-321-8844

Directed by Ted Balaker
DVD, color, 75 min.

Middle School - General Adult
Bullying, Censorship, Communication, Humor, Internet, Privacy, Social Media

Date Entered: 11/22/2016

Reviewed by Brad Eden, Ph.D., Dean of Library Services, Valparaiso University

Social media has changed the way society shares and reacts to information. Where stories and events used to take hours and sometimes days to unfold, information now is practically instantaneous and almost always involves both factual and non-factual reporting along with opinions and political consequences. As individuals share their opinions and comments through social media on current topics and events, swift and often negative reaction usually follows. These online attacks on people and their opinions have significant repercussions on the individuals involved, sometimes spreading to their families as well. This film attempts to discuss how today's social media has changed the way society deals with humor, joking, bullying, censorship and privacy. Notable comics such as Lisa Lampanelli, Gilbert Gottfried, Adam Carolla, and Penn Jillette discuss the concept of outrage culture, the exchange of ideas, and how we are all one clumsy joke away from public ruin.