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Gender Power: Street Harassment in NYC     cover image

Gender Power: Street Harassment in NYC 2014

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Educational Video Center, 16 Clarkson St, #401, New York, NY 10014; 212.465.9366 (ext. 0)
Produced by Educational Video Center

DVD , color, 23 min.

High School - General Adult
Gender Identity, Sexuality, Violence, Sociology, Urban Areas, Crime

Date Entered: 12/12/2016

Reviewed by Linda Yau, Berkeley College, Brooklyn, NY

In contemporary society there still exists a high number of youth, particularly females, in cities, of a certain ethnicity or age that get harassed via catcalls, gestures and to an extreme extent, rape. This is a pervasive social and gender identity imbalance issue. Young males and females are taught to conform to certain societal gender roles they grow up. Popular media reinforces these stereotypes, often resulting in fear, negativity, and a lack of self confidence.

Gender Power is filmed on location in New York City by youths collaborating with professionals and peers to address the issue of street harassment. It depicts reality with all of its passion and emotion, including some raw language. Despite this fact, however it is a suitable documentary to be owned by libraries with collections on gender identity development, sociology, women’s studies and urban studies. A trailer is available on the distributor’s website.