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Fly By Light    cover image

Fly By Light 2013

Highly Recommended

Distributed by The Video Project, 145 - 9th St., Suite 102, San Francisco, CA 94103; 800-475-2638
Produced by Hawah
Directed by Ellie Walton
DVD, color, 60 or 83 min. versions available

High School - General Adult
Music, Teenagers, Social Problems

Date Entered: 01/13/2017

Reviewed by Jenifer Becker, Washington State University, Vancouver

Fly By Light follows 14 Washington, D.C. metro teens as they engage in 14 month program of the same name, the zenith of which is a week-long nature excursion to West Virginia. Fly By Light goes beyond similar projects that attempt to connect urban area youth with nature, placing a focus on peace education and music. The coordinators create an environment where the students feel safe to explore, first through art and then dialogue, the difficult themes that have been embedded in their young lives, including domestic violence, rape, and loss.

The film focuses on the experiences of Asha, Corey, Mark, and Martha as they participate in the program and as they attempt to apply the lessons they learned following the retreat. While the program gives the students an outlet and a network to explore the issues in their lives, it does not magically solve those issues once they return to Washington, D.C. and the film never makes the claim that it does or should. Walton fairly represents the acceptance and rejection of the program as students are asked to share difficult emotions they typically push down.