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Last Cab to Darwin    cover image

Last Cab to Darwin 2015

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Todos los Pueblos Productions

Directed by Jeremy Sims
DVD, color, 2 hrs.

General Adult
Assisted Suicide, Death, Health Care Ethics, Native Peoples, Social Psychology, Diversity, Cancer

Date Entered: 08/28/2017

Reviewed by James Gordon, University at Buffalo Libraries

Rex, a cab driver dying of cancer, learns of an assisted suicide option and decides that’s what he wants. The doctor is 3,000 km away in Darwin, Australia. There is romance, brotherly love, sunrises, sunsets and empathy rolled into Rex’s road trip to the end of his days. The acting, direction, editing, and photography are superb.

This movie touches on many important topics: interracial love, discrimination, acceptance, ethics of assisted suicide, end of life care, compassion, and extra-marital relationships. It is richly nuanced. Rex has a bromance with Tilly, a complex character who plays a pivotal role in Rex’s trek. An extraordinary cast portrays the five principal characters brilliantly.

A separate documentary about this film was made titled, Gaps Between the Stars: The Story of 'Last Cab to Darwin'. That documentary is not included on the DVD reviewed here.

An instructors in any course that deals with death, dying, cancer, care-giving, diversity, race relations, death with dignity, or aging can recommend this movie to their students. It is a beautiful, heart-wrenching story.