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Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World 2017

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Tugg, Inc., 855-321-8844
Produced by Boettcher+Trinklein Inc.
Directed by Mike Trinklein and Steve Boettcher
DVD, color, 108 min.

High School - General Adult
History, European History, Religion, Martin Luther

Date Entered: 09/29/2017

Reviewed by Lara Herzellah, Research and Information Literacy Librarian, Daniel A. Reed Library, State University of New York at Fredonia

2017 marks the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s Ninety-five Theses and this film could not come at a better time. Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World presents a wonderful dramatization of Martin Luther’s life along with the events that led him to becoming a world revolutionary. Narrated by Hugh Bonneville and starring Padraic Delany of The Tudors, television series, this film is both engaging and extremely informative. It not only provides a dramatization of Luther’s life, but also includes interviews from both religious and academic communities. It provides a broad range of perspectives.

This highly-visual documentary was filmed in the castles, monasteries and cobble-stone streets of Eastern Europe, which gives it an added authenticity. Along with that, it uses Luther’s own words, when possible, as dialogue. This film is highly recommended for any high school or college library along with being shown as part of a European history course.