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The Earth's Furies (series) cover image

The Earth's Furies (series) 2017


Distributed by Green Planet Films, PO Box 247, Corte Madera, CA 94976-0247; 415-377-5471
Produced by Eclectic Productions
Directed by Frank Gombert
DVD , 6 DVDs, 52 min. each (5 hr., 11 min. total)

High School - General Adult
Conservation, Earth Sciences, Ecology, Forecasting, Geophysics, Geoscience, Virtual Reality, Weather

Date Entered: 10/26/2018

Reviewed by Brad Eden, Ph.D., Dean of Library Services, Valparaiso University

This 6-part series focuses on six major weather and geoscience related disasters--their effects, their causes, how they develop, and ways to prepare for them. These natural catastrophes are: volcanic eruptions, mega fires, avalanches, tornadoes, lightning, and earthquakes. Each DVD incorporates actual footage related to that specific topic, along with cutting-edge virtual reality and forecasting models to demonstrate cause and effect. For instance, in the Mega Fires DVD, virtual reality is used to show how terrain can cause various types of conflagration scenarios. In the Volcanic Eruptions video, virtual forecasting based on magma samples from active volcanoes can show how violent a volcanic eruption may be as well as the consistency of the lava being produced. This video series would be of use in any basic science class at the high school and college level. The series is available as DVDs for both public and academic libraries at various price levels.